Before you start

Better resources are available than this site for installing these dependencies.

Below are a list of the dependencies, and a non-comprehensive instructions on how to get them onto your system.

Install Rust

If Rust isn’t already installed on your system, you should install it as per the install instructions.

This will add cargo and rustup to your path, which are the main entry points into Rust.

Install C++ tooling

These commands will add the tooling needed to compile and run the generated C++ code.

Optionally, clang-format can be installed to format the generated C++ code.

For MacOS, using homebrew:

brew install cmake ninja clang-format

For Debian flavoured Linux:

apt-get install cmake ninja clang-format

For generared Typescript, the existing prettier installation is detected and your configuration is used.


Add the Android specific targets

This command adds the backends for the Rust compiler to emit machine code for different Android architectures.

rustup target add \
    aarch64-linux-android \
    armv7-linux-androideabi \
    i686-linux-android \

Install cargo-ndk

This cargo extension handles all the environment configuration needed for successfully building libraries for Android from a Rust codebase, with support for generating the correct jniLibs directory structure.

cargo install cargo-ndk


Ensure xcodebuild is available

This command checks if Xcode command line tools are available, and if not, will start the installation process.

xcode-select --install

Add the iOS specific targets

This command adds the backends for the Rust compiler to emit machine code for different iOS architectures.

rustup target add \
    aarch64-apple-ios \
    aarch64-apple-ios-sim \