Step-by-step tutorial

This tutorial will get you started, by taking an existing Rust crate, and building a React Native library from it.

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. have a working turbo-module library,
  2. an example app, running in both Android and iOS,
  3. seen how to set up uniffi-bindgen-react-native for your library.

Step 1: Start with builder-bob

We first use create-react-native-library to generate our basic turbo-module library.

Known issue with builder-bob

create-react-native-library has changed a few things around, and so the following does not work yet with the latest version of create-react-native-library.

We can still work with a previous version of builder-bob for this tutorial.

npx create-react-native-library@0.35.1 my-rust-lib

The important bits are:

✔ What type of library do you want to develop? › Turbo module
✔ Which languages do you want to use? › C++ for Android & iOS

For following along, here are the rest of my answers.

✔ What is the name of the npm package? … react-native-my-rust-lib
✔ What is the description for the package? … My first React Native library in Rust
✔ What is the name of package author? … James Hugman
✔ What is the email address for the package author? …
✔ What is the URL for the package author? …
✔ What is the URL for the repository? …
✔ What type of library do you want to develop? › Turbo module
✔ Which languages do you want to use? › C++ for Android & iOS
✔ Project created successfully at my-rust-lib!

Most of the rest of the command line guide will be done within the directory this has just created.

cd my-rust-lib

Verify everything works before adding Rust:

For iOS:

(cd example/ios && pod install)
yarn example start

Then i for iOS.

After that has launched, then you can hit the a key to launch Android.

We should, if all has gone to plan, see Result = 21 on screen.

Step 2: Add uniffi-bindgen-react-native to the project

Using yarn add the uniffi-bindgen-react-native package to your project.

yarn add uniffi-bindgen-react-native


While this is before the first release, we’re installing straight from github.

yarn add uniffi-bindgen-react-native@

Opening package.json add the following:

  "scripts": {
+    "ubrn:ios":      "ubrn build ios     --config ubrn.config.yaml --and-generate && (cd example/ios && pod install)",
+    "ubrn:android":  "ubrn build android --config ubrn.config.yaml --and-generate",
+    "ubrn:checkout": "ubrn checkout      --config ubrn.config.yaml",
+    "ubrn:clean": "rm -Rf cpp/ android/src/main/java ios/ src/Native* src/generated/ src/index.ts*",
+    "postinstall": "yarn ubrn:checkout && yarn ubrn:android && yarn ubrn:ios",
    "example": "yarn workspace react-native-my-rust-lib-example",
    "test": "jest",
    "typecheck": "tsc",
    "lint": "eslint \"**/*.{js,ts,tsx}\"",
    "clean": "del-cli android/build example/android/build example/android/app/build example/ios/build lib",
    "prepare": "bob build",
    "release": "release-it"

You can call the config file whatever you want, I have called it ubrn.config.yaml in this example.

For now, let’s just clean the files out we don’t need:

yarn ubrn:clean


If you’re going to be using the uniffi-bindgen-react-native command direct from the command line, it may be worth setting up an alias. In bash you can do this:

alias ubrn=$(yarn ubrn --path)

There is a guide to the ubrn command here.


While this is before the first release, we’re installing straight from local node_modules.

After release, the C++ runtime will be published to Cocoa Pods.

Until then, you need to add the dependency to the app’s Podfile, in this case example/ios/Podfile:

    :path => config[:reactNativePath],
    # An absolute path to your application root.
    :app_path => "#{Pod::Config.instance.installation_root}/.."

+  # We need to specify this here in the app because we can't add a local dependency within
+  # the react-native-matrix-rust-sdk
+  pod 'uniffi-bindgen-react-native', :path => '../../node_modules/uniffi-bindgen-react-native'

Step 3: Create the ubrn.config.yaml file

Full documentation on how to configure your library can be found in the YAML configuration file page of this book.

For now, we just want to get started; let’s start with an existing Rust crate that has uniffi bindings.

name: MyRustLib
  branch: main
  manifestPath: rust/foobar/Cargo.toml

Step 4: Checkout the Rust code

Now, you should be able to checkout the Rust into the library.

yarn ubrn:checkout

This will checkout the uniffi-starter repo into the rust_modules directory within your project.

Step 4: Build the Rust

Building for iOS will:

  1. Build the Rust crate for iOS, including the uniffi scaffolding in Rust.
  2. Build an xcframework for Xcode to pick up.
  3. Generate the typescript and C++ bindings between Hermes and the Rust.
  4. Generate the files to set up the JS -> Objective C -> C++ installation flow for the turbo-module.
  5. Re-run the Podfile in the example/ios directory so Xcode can see the C++ files.
yarn ubrn:ios

Building for Android will:

  1. Build the Rust crate for Android, including the uniffi scaffolding in Rust.
  2. Copy the files into the correct place in for gradlew to pick them up.
  3. Generate the files to set up the JS -> Java -> C++ installation flow for the turbo-module.
  4. Generate the files to make a turbo-module from the C++.
yarn ubrn:android


You can change the targets that get built by adding a comma separated list to the ubrn build android and ubrn build ios commands.

yarn ubrn:android --targets aarch64-linux-android,armv7-linux-androideabi

Step 5: Write an example app exercising the Rust API

Here, we’re editing the app file at example/src/App.tsx.

First we delete the starter code given to us by create-react-native-library:

import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native';
-import { multiply } from 'react-native-my-rust-lib';
-const result = multiply(3, 7);

export default function App() {

Next, add the following lines in place of the lines we just deleted:

import { Calculator, type BinaryOperator, SafeAddition, ComputationResult } from '../../src';

// A Rust object
const calculator = new Calculator();
// A Rust object implementing the Rust trait BinaryOperator
const addOp = new SafeAddition();

// A Typescript class, implementing BinaryOperator
class SafeMultiply implements BinaryOperator {
  perform(lhs: bigint, rhs: bigint): bigint {
    return lhs * rhs;
const multOp = new SafeMultiply();

// bigints
const three = 3n;
const seven = 7n;

// Perform the calculation, and to get an object
// representing the computation result.
const computation: ComputationResult = calculator
  .calculate(addOp, three, three)
  .calculateMore(multOp, seven)

// Unpack the bigint value into a string.
const result = computation.value.toString();

Step 6: Run the example app

Now you can run the apps on Android and iOS:

yarn example start

As with the starter app from create-react-native-library, there is very little to look at.

We should, if all has gone to plan, see Result = 42 on screen.

Step 7: Make changes in the Rust

We can edit the Rust, in this case in rust_modules/uniffi-starter/rust/foobar/src/

If you’re already familiar with Rust, you will notice that there is very little unusual about this file, apart from a few uniffi proc macros scattered here or there.

If you’re not familiar with Rust, you might add a function to the Rust:

fn main() {
pub fn greet(who: String) -> String {
  format!("Hello, {who}!")

Then run either yarn ubrn:ios or yarn ubrn:android.

Once either of those are run, you should be able to import the greet function into App.tsx.

Appendix: the Rust

The Rust library is presented here for comparison with the App.tsx above.

All credit should go to the author, ianthetechie.

fn main() {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
// You must call this once

// What follows is an intentionally ridiculous whirlwind tour of how you'd expose a complex API to UniFFI.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, uniffi::Enum)]
pub enum ComputationState {
    /// Initial state with no value computed
    Computed {
        result: ComputationResult

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, uniffi::Record)]
pub struct ComputationResult {
    pub value: i64,
    pub computation_time: Duration,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, thiserror::Error, uniffi::Error)]
pub enum ComputationError {
    #[error("Division by zero is not allowed.")]
    #[error("Result overflowed the numeric type bounds.")]
    #[error("There is no existing computation state, so you cannot perform this operation.")]

/// A binary operator that performs some mathematical operation with two numbers.
pub trait BinaryOperator: Send + Sync {
    fn perform(&self, lhs: i64, rhs: i64) -> Result<i64, ComputationError>;

/// A somewhat silly demonstration of functional core/imperative shell in the form of a calculator with arbitrary operators.
/// Operations return a new calculator with updated internal state reflecting the computation.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, uniffi::Object)]
pub struct Calculator {
    state: ComputationState,

impl Calculator {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            state: ComputationState::Init

    pub fn last_result(&self) -> Option<ComputationResult> {
        match self.state {
            ComputationState::Init => None,
            ComputationState::Computed { result } => Some(result)

    /// Performs a calculation using the supplied binary operator and operands.
    pub fn calculate(&self, op: Arc<dyn BinaryOperator>, lhs: i64, rhs: i64) -> Result<Calculator, ComputationError> {
        let start = Instant::now();
        let value = op.perform(lhs, rhs)?;

        Ok(Calculator {
            state: ComputationState::Computed {
                result: ComputationResult {
                    computation_time: start.elapsed()

    /// Performs a calculation using the supplied binary operator, the last computation result, and the supplied operand.
    /// The supplied operand will be the right-hand side in the mathematical operation.
    pub fn calculate_more(&self, op: Arc<dyn BinaryOperator>, rhs: i64) -> Result<Calculator, ComputationError> {
        let ComputationState::Computed { result } = &self.state else {
            return Err(ComputationError::IllegalComputationWithInitState);

        let start = Instant::now();
        let value = op.perform(result.value, rhs)?;

        Ok(Calculator {
            state: ComputationState::Computed {
                result: ComputationResult {
                    computation_time: start.elapsed()

struct SafeAddition {}

// Makes it easy to construct from foreign code
impl SafeAddition {
    fn new() -> Self {
        SafeAddition {}

impl BinaryOperator for SafeAddition {
    fn perform(&self, lhs: i64, rhs: i64) -> Result<i64, ComputationError> {
