Promise / Futures

uniffi-bindgen-react-native provides support of Futures/async fn. These are mapped to Javascript Promises. More information can be found in the uniffi book.

This example is taken from the above link:

fn main() {
use std::time::Duration;
use async_std::future::{timeout, pending};

/// Async function that says something after a certain time.
pub async fn say_after(ms: u64, who: String) -> String {
    let never = pending::<()>();
    timeout(Duration::from_millis(ms), never).await.unwrap_err();
    format!("Hello, {who}!")

It can be called from Typescript:

// Wait 1 second for Hello, World!
const message = await sayAfter(1000n, "World");

Calling async typescript

The following code calls an async function implemented by Typescript.

fn main() {
pub trait Greeter {
    async fn create_greeting(&self, delay_ms: i32, who: String) -> String;

async fn greet_with(
            greeter: &Greeter,
            delay_ms: i32,
            who: String
) -> String {
    greeter.create_greeting(delay_ms, who).await

The typescript:

class TsGreeter implements Greeter {
    async createGreeting(delayMs: number, who: string) {
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delayMs));
        return `Hello, ${who} from Typescript!`;

const message = greetWith(new TsGreeter(), 1000, "World");

There is no support for passing a Promise or Future as an argument or error, in either direction.