Lifting, lowering and serialization

This page is based upon the corresponding uniffi-rs page.

UniFFI is able to transfer rich data types back-and-forth between the Rust code and the Typescript code via a process we refer to as “lowering” and “lifting”.

Recall that UniFFI interoperates between different languages by defining a C-style FFI layer which operates in terms of primitive data types and plain functions. To transfer data from one side of this layer to the other, the sending side “lowers” the data from a language-specific data type into one of the primitive types supported by the FFI-layer functions, and the receiving side “lifts” that primitive type into its own language-specific data type.

Lifting and lowering simple types such as integers is done by directly casting the value to and from an appropriate type. For complex types such as optionals and records we currently implement lifting and lowering by serializing into a byte buffer, but this is an implementation detail that may change in future.

Three layers

In many languages, there are mechanisms to talk to the C-style FFI layer directly. Javascript has no such facilities.

Instead, we perform serialization to an ArrayBuffer in Typescript, then pass it to C++ and then on to Rust.

This can be sketched as:

  1. In Typescript, in {namespace}.ts: Lowering and serializing from higher level Typescript types to ArrayBuffers, numbers and bigint.
  2. Javascript calls into C++, through {namespace}-ffi.ts
  3. In C++, in {namespace}.cpp: lower the JSI number, bigint and ArrayBuffer further, into C equivalents, e.g. uint32_t and uint8_t*
  4. Pass these C equivalents to Rust through a C style ABI.
  5. Rust lifts the low level types, then calls into handwritten Rust.

In more detail, for most types:

  1. do the serialization (and deserialization) step in Typescript into an ArrayBuffer using DataView and Uint8TypedArray.
    • This is done with a series of FfiConverters. These are generated for complex types, but many can be seen in ffi-converters.ts.
  2. call into generated C++ with the ArrayBuffer.
    • This is represented by a jsi::ArrayBuffer.
    • The JS/C++ interface is defined on the Typescript side by the {namespace}-ffi.ts file; it is implemented by the {namespace}.cpp file.
  3. extract the int32_t* from the jsi::ArrayBuffer and copy into a RustBuffer, a C-style struct shared by both Rust and C++.
  4. call into Rust with the RustBuffer.


For more primitive types, the lifting and lowering is also done in two stages: for example, if Rust is expecting an i32, the Javascript number is passed into C++. The C++ then extracts the int32_t from the jsi::Value::Number.


For Strings, we would want to use a TextEncoder. Unfortunately these aren’t currently available for hermes; see hermes issues for TextEncoder and TextDecoder.

In this case, we use C++ again. When a string needs serializing to an ArrayBuffer, the FfiConverterString:

  1. calls passes the string from Typescript to C++, these are represented as jsi::Value::String.
  2. In C++ UniffiString.h:
    1. get a C++ String using the utf8() method of jsi::String
    2. the copy the bytes into a jsi::ArrayBuffer.
  3. Return the ArrayBuffer to Javascript so it can be:
    1. added to the serialization of a complex type OR
    2. passed to Rust as an ArrayBuffer, as above.